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Shower (Subtitled)(Wide Screen)

Shower (Subtitled)(Wide Screen)

Suitable For 12 Years And Over.Info Stars: Zhu Xu, Jiang Wu, Du Peng

Director: Zhang Yang

Summary: In Master Liu's bathhouse a group of locals get together and dream of ways to make money as well as escape from the realities of married life. A visiting elder son who follows more modern ways soon comes to realise that the family and their traditions are not easily forgotten.

This festival favorite from China tells the touching story of a father whose oldest son leaves him. He remains in Beijing, raising his retarded son and running the local bathhouse. When the elder son mistakenly hears that his father has passed away, he returns to Beijing, only to discover the extreme relevance of the bathhouse and its integral role in the community. SHOWER is an extremely heartwarming film that successfully confronts the issue of changing times in the modern world, while retaining its personal edge at the same time.

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Aspect Ratio: 1.66 Wide Screen, 16:9 Wide Screen
Main Language: Mandarin
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Interviews
Subtitles: English
Year: 1999
Release Date: May 6, 2002
Runtime: 94 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 12 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: M P 144 D
Label: World Cinema Collection
Keywords: Subtitled, Comedy, General, Wide, Screen, Drama, Mandarin, Shower
Genre: Drama

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