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Ratatouille/Cars (Box Set)

Ratatouille/Cars (Box Set)

Parental Guidance.Info
Director: John Lasseter

Summary: This great box set includes two Pixar masterpieces, RATATOUILLE and CARS.

This great box set includes two Pixar masterpieces, RATATOUILLE and CARS.

RATATOUILLE follows the exploits of a French rat who dwells in an upmarket Parisian restaurant. Remy has great dreams of becoming a world-class chef, despite disapproval from his family, and the fact that he is the restaurant world's worst enemy - vermin itself! It seems his dreams will never become a reality until fate finds him living in Paris beneath one of the city's most elegant eateries.

Featuring the voice talent of Owen Wilson, Paul Newman and Michael Keaton, CARS is the story of Lightning McQueen; a spoiled race car with a bad attitude. On route to his next event, he crashes in the small, backwater town of Radiator Springs. Forced to stay until he has fixed all that he destroyed, McQueen will have to learn that the world does not revolve around him, if he’s to leave in time for the race.

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Editor's Review



As good a film as Pixar has ever put out, Ratatouille is a frantic, innovative movie, boasting some of the finest quality animation ever put on the screen. The film tells the story of wannabe-chef Remy The Rat, who becomes drawn into the mantra of legendary cook Gusteau, that anyone can cook. The deceased Gusteau’s ghostly image appears to Remy and guides him to his restaurant, whose standards have been slipping since his death. Remy, through the manipulation of a lowly restaurant worker called Linguini, soon starts secretly cooking the food, and this unusual set-up proves to be a trove of treasures that Pixar carefully picks through.

Ratatouille’s trick is to tie its cutting edge animation techniques to old-school essentials. At times harking back to the frenetic style you’d expect of Chuck Jones, it threads an original narrative through its story, which itself is packed with memorable characters (none more so than Peter O’Toole’s superbly-voiced restaurant critic). It perhaps runs a little too long, but it’s so well-written and so lavishly entertaining that it’s a churlish complaint to have.For in an era of cynically-produced family movies, Ratatouille is really something special. With an appeal that spreads across generations, and a quality that puts it right up there with Pixar’s finest, it’s an outstanding piece of cinema, and one set to be enjoyed for many, many years. Unmissable. --Simon Brew


There's an extra coat of hot wax on Pixar's vibrant, NASCAR-influenced comedy about a world populated entirely by cars. Lightning McQueen (voiced by Owen Wilson) is the slick rookie taking the Piston Cup series by storm when the last race of the season (the film's high-octane opening) ends in a three-way tie. On the way to the tie-breaker race in California, Lightning loses his way off Route 66 in the Southwest desert and is taught to stop and smell the roses by the forgotten citizens of Radiator Springs. It's odd to have such a slim story from the whizzes of Pixar, and the film pales a bit from their other films (though can that be a fair comparison?).

Nonetheless, Cars is another gleaming ride with Pixar founder John Lasseter, who is directing for the first time since Toy Story 2. There's the usual spectrum of excellent characters teamed with appropriate voice talent, loads of smooth humour for kids and parents alike, knockout visuals, and a colorful array of sidekicks, including a scene-stealing baby blue forklift named Guido. Lightning's plight is changed with the help of former big-city lawyer Sally Carrera (Pixar veteran Bonnie Hunt), the town's patriarch Doc Hudson (Paul Newman), and kooky tow truck Mater (Larry the Cable Guy). The Incredibles was the first Pixar film to break the 100-minute barrier, but had enough story not to suffer; Cars, at 116 minutes (including some must-see end credit footage), is not as fortunate, plus it never pierces the heart. --Doug Thomas

Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Pop-up box set
Year: 2006
Release Date: June 23, 2008
Runtime: 218 minutes
Certification: Parental Guidance.
Catalogue Number: B U G 0093101
Keywords: Family, English, Pack, Cars, Pop, Up, Ratatouille
Genre: Family

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