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Officer Down

Officer Down

Suitable For 15 Years And Over.Info Stars: Sherilyn Fenn, Casper Van Dien

Director: Christopher Miller

Summary: The son of a powerful police commissioner, uniformed officer Philip Gammon (Casper Van Dien) is secretly in charge of the Vigilantes, an illegal band of fellow cops whose mission in life is to track down and kill all known drug dealers. Inevitably, the Vigilantes become drunk with their own power, using their vendetta as an excuse to extort money from innocent bystanders, and to knock off anyone who learns too much about their covert operation. Rookie cop Kathryn Shaunessy (Sherilyn Fenn), herself the daughter of a legendary lawkeeper, gets wind of Gammon's activities and publicly exposes him and his cronies. Inevitably, the Vigilantes swear vengeance against Kathryn and her family -- and with so many corrupt cops on the force (not to mention a hostile public who thinks of the Vigilantes as folk heroes!), to whom can she turn for protection?

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Aspect Ratio: Wide Screen
Region: Region 2
Year: 2005
Release Date: January 1, 2008
Runtime: 85 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 15 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: A C I 008 D V D
Keywords: General, Down, Officer, Drama
Genre: Drama

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