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3 Classic Cult Thrillers - Bad Timing / King Of New York / Dead Ringers

3 Classic Cult Thrillers - Bad Timing / King Of New York / Dead Ringers

Suitable For 18 Years And Over.Info Stars: Art Garfunkel, Theresa Russell, Harvey Keitel, Denholm Elliott, Daniel Massey, Christopher Walken, Wesley Snipes, Laurence Fishburne, Giancarlo Esposito, Steve Buscemi, Jeremy Irons, Genevieve Bujold, Heidi Von Palleske

Director: David Cronenberg

Summary: Three classic cult thrillers:<BR>KING OF NEW YORK: Christopher Walken stars as Frank White, an ultracool crime boss, in this moody gem from director Abel Ferrara. Released from a long stint in jail, White rejoins his devoted gang, which includes the trigger-happy Jimmy Jump (Laurence Fishburne), Test Tube (Steve Buscemi), and his attractive attorney girlfriend, Jennifer (Janet Julian). Setting up headquarters in Trump Plaza, they start wiping out members of rival mobs in a bid to take back the streets and indulge in lots of cocaine and sex, but ultimately White has more noble ambitions, such as giving a fortune in drug money to charity. David Caruso, Victor Argo, and Wesley Snipes co-star as a group of bitter cops who don't buy Frank's change of heart and decide to go outside the law to take him down. Poetic, sexy, funny, somber, and very violent, this critical hit cemented the reputation of Ferrara and has earned a strong cult following. Bozan Bajelli serves as director of the arresting cinematography, which is full of rich shadows and gold, blue, and red hues. For fans of films such as THE GODFATHER and SCARFACE, this is essential viewing.<BR>DEAD RINGERS: Cronenberg coaxes a phenomenal performance out of Irons in this disturbing tale of Beverly and Elliot Mantle--twin brother gynaecologists who literally can't exist without each other, sharing everything from an apartment to women. When a glamorous, neurotic actress (Bujold) enters into their world, she upsets the delicate balance between the brothers, sending them into a world of confusion and destruction. This dark, eerie, multi-layered drama may stand as Cronenberg's masterpiece. Loosely based on the true case of the Marcus Twins and the resulting novel TWINS by Bari Wood.<BR>BAD TIMING: Art Garfunkel stars in this powerful psychological drama directed by Nicolas Roeg. Told in flashback, it tells the story Alex (Garfunkel) who whilst lecturing in Vienna begins a passionate affair with a young American Milena (Theresa Russell). Unable to cope with her promiscuity Alex becomes increasingly possessive. When she winds up in hospital after a drug overdose, Harvey Keitel's investigating officer must work out if it was attempted suicide or if the retold events lead to a different conclusion.

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Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Hard of Hearing Subtitles - English
Year: 1980
Release Date: October 20, 2003
Runtime: 326 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 18 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: 37115 05563
Keywords: Action, New, Classic, King, Bad, Timing, Dead, Cult, General, York, Ringers, Three, Thriller, Adventure, Discs, Thrillers
Genre: Thriller

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