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13 - Game Of Death

13 - Game Of Death

Suitable For 18 Years And Over.Info
Director: Chukiat Sakveerakul

Summary: Thai/American pop singer Krissada Terrence stars in this cynical thriller adapted from the manga My Mania and detailing the harrowing journey of a luckless man who engages in a disturbing underground game in a desperate bid to get his life back on track.

Thai/American pop singer Krissada Terrence stars in this cynical thriller adapted from the manga My Mania and detailing the harrowing journey of a luckless man who engages in a disturbing underground game in a desperate bid to get his life back on track. Chit is a guy with some serious problems: He's just been fired from his job, his car has been impounded, his debts are growing, and he can't seem to maintain a relationship to save his life. When Chit receives a mysterious phone call inviting him to participate in a bizarre underground game that promises to solve all of his financial woes should he take top prize, the prospect of earning some quick cash proves too tempting to resist. In order to win the game, Chit will have to complete thirteen tasks designed specifically to push him to the edge of sanity. While the tasks start out innocently enough, they rapidly progress into life or death territory - making Chit question his moral compass and highlighting how far some folks are willing to go to achieve wealth.

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Main Language: Thai, English
Region: Region 2
Year: 2006
Release Date: August 24, 2009
Runtime: 113 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 18 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: R E V D 2202
Keywords: Death, English, Comedy, Game, Thriller, Horror, Occult, Thai
Genre: Horror/Occult

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